Tony Christie

Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Studio Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
The Final Countdown (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
Christmas Day 2005 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
24/07/2005 Avenues And Alleyways
Mimed Performance
29/04/2005 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
22/04/2005 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
08/01/1976 Drive Safely Darlin'
Mimed Performance
01/02/1973 Avenues And Alleyways
Mimed Performance
01/06/1972 Don't Go Down To Reno
Mimed Performance
06/01/1972 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
30/12/1971 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Played Over The Charts
02/12/1971 (is This The Way To) Amarillo
Mimed Performance
27/05/1971 I Did What I Did For Maria
Music Video
20/05/1971 I Did What I Did For Maria
Played Over The Charts
04/02/1971 Las Vegas
Mimed Performance