All About Eve

All About Eve

All About Eve is an 80's British goth rock group with a unique, folk-rock-influenced take on the style. The creative core consists of Julianne Regan (vocals) and Andy Cousin (bass guitar), with other members changing over the years. Julianne Regan, a former journalist, played bass for the popular rock group Gene Loves Jezebel for a little while. The initial core of All About Eve was Regan, guitarist Tim Bricheno, and bassist Andy Cousin from Aemotti Crii. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
13/06/1991 Farewell Mr. Sorrow
Mimed Studio Performance
26/04/1990 Scarlet
Top 40 Breaker Clip
21/12/1989 December
Top 40 Breaker Clip
17/11/1988 What Kind Of Fool
Mimed Studio Performance
11/08/1988 Martha's Harbour
Live Studio Performance
04/08/1988 Martha's Harbour
Mimed Studio Performance
28/07/1988 Martha's Harbour
Top 40 Breaker Clip


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