Performance Guide

Here you will find information on every performance shown on Top of the Pops, from 1964 to 2016.

Check out some of the most iconic Top of the Pops performances that remain in the archive.

Ultimate Love Songs

We present some of the ultimate love songs, as performed on Top of the Pops over the years.

Christmas Songs

A collection of Christmas pop songs sung and performed in the Top of the Pops studio over the years.


To get you in the mood for Halloween, we present this curated performance collection of the spookiest Top of the Pops clips.

Over the years there have been a number of Top of the Pops specials. Here you will find them listed, the performanceas broadcast in the specials, the original episode links, and linked YouTube performances to the performances if available.

TOTP: Kylie Mingoue

Originally aired on 03/12/1998. The Kylie Minogue Top of the Pops special. Broadcast on BBC Choice.

TOTP: Pet Shop Boys

Originally aired on 10/12/1998, and broadcast on BBC Choice. The Pet Shop Boys Top of the Pops special.

TOTP: Blur

A Blur Top of the Pops special. Originally aired on 05/11/1998, and broadcast on BBC Choice.

TOTP: Oasis

Oasis Top of the Pops special. Originally aired on 28/10/1998, and broadcast on BBC Choice.

TOTP: Eternal

Eternal Top of the Pops special. Originally aired on 16/11/1998, and broadcast on BBC Choice.

TOTP: All Saints

All Saints Top of the Pops special. Originally aired on 30/05/2000, and broadcast on BBC Choice.