Bob the Builder was a British children's television show featuring the main characters Bob (voiced by Neil Morrissey) and Wendy (Bob's assistant), as well as a crew of anthropomorphic construction vehicles, Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Roley, Lofty, Spud, and Travis. The show was a big success and was broadcast in many countries. Each episode began with the introduction of a problem that required solving, such as a fallen brick wall, or a damaged road. Bob would often shout out to the crew Read more on
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Repeat Performances
Live Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
14/09/2001 |
Mambo No. 5 Music Video |
Christmas Day 2000 |
Can We Fix It Music Video |
22/12/2000 |
Can We Fix It Music Video |
15/12/2000 |
Can We Fix It Music Video |
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