

Busted are a pop rock / power pop band originating from London, England that consists of James Bourne, Matt Willis and Charlie Simpson. Though originally short-lived, the band's success has helped all three musicians develop successful solo careers. Busted's debut single, "What I Go To School For", was released on 16 September 2002, and it charted at #3 in the UK as well as in the top 40 in other nations such as Ireland and Germany. As momentum for the group built, their debut album, titled simply 'Busted', followed on 30 September 2002. Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
02/10/2005 Thunderbirds
Music Event Performance
14/01/2005 Thunderbirds
Music Event Performance
Christmas Day 2004 Who's David?
Music Video
13/08/2004 Thunderbirds
Music Event Performance
06/08/2004 3 A.m.
Mimed Studio Performance
30/07/2004 Thunderbirds
Music Event Performance
25/06/2004 3 A.m.
Mimed Studio Performance
02/04/2004 Air Hostess
Mimed Studio Performance
27/02/2004 Teenage Kicks
Mimed Studio Performance
13/02/2004 Who's David?
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 2003 You Said No
Music Video
Christmas Day 2003 Crashed The Wedding
Music Video
21/11/2003 Crashed The Wedding
Mimed Studio Performance
22/08/2003 Sleeping With The Light On
Mimed Studio Performance
09/05/2003 You Said No
Mimed Studio Performance
02/05/2003 You Said No
Mimed Studio Performance
28/02/2003 Year 3000
Mimed Studio Performance
24/01/2003 Year 3000
Mimed Studio Performance
27/09/2002 What I Go To School For
Mimed Studio Performance


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*Please note, we are unable to action performance or episode video requests, and so any such requests will be ignored, as we do not have access to the BBC's TOTP video archive. Your feedback is stored and processed securely. We aim to reply to all feedback received. Once your feedback has been actioned it will be deleted from our server.