Desmond Dekker

Desmond Dekker

Desmond Dekker (born in Kingston, Jamaica on 16 July 1941 - deceased 25 May 2006), was a Jamaican ska and reggae singer and songwriter. Together with his backing group, The Aces (consisting of Wilson James and Easton Barrington Howard), he had the first international Jamaican hit, Israelites. Other hits include 007 (Shanty Town) (1967) and It Mek (1968). Before the ascent of Bob Marley, Dekker was the best-known Jamaican musician outside of his country, and one of the most popular within it. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
18/09/1975 Sing A Little Song
Mimed Studio Performance
11/09/1975 Sing A Little Song
Mimed Studio Performance
28/08/1975 Sing A Little Song
Mimed Studio Performance
05/06/1975 Israelites
Mimed Studio Performance
22/05/1975 Israelites
Mimed Studio Performance
08/05/1975 Israelites
Mimed Studio Performance
04/03/1971 The Song We Used To Sing
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 1970 You Can Get It If You Really Want
Mimed Studio Performance
01/10/1970 You Can Get It If You Really Want
Mimed Studio Performance
10/09/1970 You Can Get It If You Really Want
Audience Dancing
03/09/1970 You Can Get It If You Really Want
Mimed Studio Performance
27/08/1970 You Can Get It If You Really Want
Mimed Studio Performance


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