D.J. Casper

D.J. Casper

There are at least three DJ's going by the name 'Casper', and strangely enough two of them have roots in Chicago; one is drum and bass DJ, the other is famous for his 'Cha Cha Slide' single. 1. DJ Casper (real name Wille Perry) is a Chicago based DJ who had a number one hit single in the UK called "Cha Cha Slide". MC Jig also did a version of this song, but the DJ Casper version was far more successful. 2. DJ Casper - Good Looking Records / Strictly Jungle Chicago Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
19/03/2004 Cha Cha Slide
Mimed Studio Performance
12/03/2004 Cha Cha Slide
Mimed Studio Performance


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