

There are numerous artists with this name, including (some chronologically): 1) A British rock band (1967 - 1973); 2) A disco group signed to New York Salsoul Records (1970s-1980s); 3) A Spanish indie pop band (1991 - 1993); 4) An American progressive rock/metal band (stylised FAMILY) from Brooklyn, NYC; 5) An Estonian funk/soul band; 6) A downtempo electro artist; 7) A British lo-fi/minimalist group (stylised FAMILY). 1) Family was British rock band from Leicester, England, active between 1967-1973. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
09/11/1972 Burlesque
Mimed Studio Performance
02/11/1972 Burlesque
Played Over The Charts
19/10/1972 Burlesque
Audience Dancing
05/10/1972 Burlesque
Mimed Studio Performance
26/08/1971 In My Own Time
Mimed Studio Performance
05/08/1971 In My Own Time
Mimed Studio Performance
22/07/1971 In My Own Time
Mimed Studio Performance
01/07/1971 In My Own Time
Mimed Studio Performance
24/09/1970 The Weaver's Answer
Audience Dancing
10/09/1970 The Weaver's Answer
Mimed Studio Performance
27/08/1970 The Weaver's Answer
Mimed Studio Performance


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