Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames

Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames

Georgie Fame & the Blue Flames were a noted British rhythm and blues/soul/jazz/ska/pop group of the 1960s. They had been the backing band for Billy Fury but, after being dismissed at the end of 1961, their pianist Georgie Fame took over as vocalist and, from 1962, they went on to enjoy great success. Personnel Georgie Fame, drummer Red Reece, bassist Tex Makins and guitarist Colin Green were rehearsing with singer Clay Nicholls in 1961 when they were hired by Larry Parnes to back Billy Fury. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
Christmas 1966 - Part 2 Get Away
Mimed Studio Performance
21/07/1966 Get Away
Mimed Studio Performance
21/07/1966 Get Away
Played Over The Charts
07/07/1966 Get Away
Mimed Studio Performance
30/06/1966 Get Away
Mimed Studio Performance
23/06/1966 Get Away
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 1965 Yeh Yeh
Mimed Studio Performance
18/03/1965 In The Meantime
Mimed Studio Performance
11/03/1965 In The Meantime
Mimed Studio Performance
14/01/1965 Yeh Yeh
Mimed Studio Performance
07/01/1965 Yeh Yeh
Mimed Studio Performance
New Years Eve 1964 Yeh Yeh
Mimed Studio Performance
10/12/1964 Yeh Yeh
Mimed Studio Performance


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