Hazell Dean

Hazell Dean

Hazell Dean (born Hazel Dean Poole, 27 October 1952, Chelmsford, Essex) is a British Dance-pop singer, who achieved her biggest success in the 1980s as a leading Hi-NRG artist. She is best known for the top ten hits "Searchin' (I Gotta Find a Man)", "Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go)" and "Who's Leaving Who". She has also worked as a songwriter and producer. She started her career in 1970s, but achieved a chart success in the 1980s working with the famous Stock Aitken Waterman team. Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
29/09/1988 Turn It Into Love
Mimed Studio Performance
30/06/1988 Maybe (we Should Call It A Day)
Mimed Studio Performance
21/04/1988 Who's Leaving Who
Mimed Studio Performance
07/04/1988 Who's Leaving Who
Mimed Studio Performance
09/08/1984 Whatever I Do (wherever I Go)
Mimed Studio Performance
26/07/1984 Whatever I Do (wherever I Go)
Mimed Studio Performance
31/05/1984 Searchin' (i Gotta Find A Man)
Mimed Studio Performance
17/05/1984 Searchin' (i Gotta Find A Man)
Mimed Studio Performance


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