Juliet is a stalwart of the British pop, jazz, and dance industry. She's performed and recorded with the perennial jazz ensemble Working Week, provided backup session vocals for too many artists to name here, taught aspiring teen viewers some vocal performance basics via British television's "Rock School" series, and recorded under her own name- mostly in close association with producer/mixer/musical impresario "Dancin' Danny D." Poku, who also ushered a young Cathy Denis to fame and fortune. Read more on Last.fm
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Repeat Performances
Live Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
22/01/1999 |
Bad Girls Mimed Studio Performance |
30/01/1998 |
So Good Mimed Studio Performance |
30/06/1994 |
Caught In The Middle Mimed Studio Performance |
04/11/1993 |
Free Love Top 40 Breaker Clip |
05/08/1993 |
Caught In The Middle Live Studio Performance |
29/07/1993 |
Caught In The Middle Top 40 Breaker Clip |
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