Rage Against the Machine was an American rock band from Los Angeles, California. Formed in 1991, the group consisted of vocalist Zack de la Rocha, bassist and backing vocalist Tim Commerford, guitarist Tom Morello, and drummer Brad Wilk. Their songs express revolutionary left-wing political views. As of 2010, they had sold over 16 million records worldwide. In 2023, the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rage Against the Machine released its eponymous debut album in 1992 to commercial and critical success Read more on Last.fm
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Repeat Performances
Live Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
New Year's Eve 2009 |
Killing In The Name Music Video |
Christmas Day 2009 |
Killing In The Name Music Video |
11/04/1996 |
Bulls On Parade Music Video |
06/05/1993 |
Bullet In The Head Top 40 Breaker Clip |
04/03/1993 |
Killing In The Name Top 40 Breaker Clip |
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