

Shakatak is an English jazz-funk band, founded in 1980. Shakatak scored a number of chart entries, including two Top Ten hits in the UK Singles Chart, "Night Birds" (1982) and "Down on the Street" (1984), plus a further 12 entries in the Guinness book of British Hit Singles. The group are still active and popular throughout the world, particularly in Japan and the Far East, and generally produce a new album every two years on JVC Records. From their first release in August 1980 Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
26/07/1984 Down On The Street
Mimed Studio Performance
12/07/1984 Down On The Street
Mimed Studio Performance
23/06/1983 Dark Is The Night
Mimed Studio Performance
08/06/1983 Dark Is The Night
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1982 - Part 2 Nightbirds
Mimed Studio Performance
16/09/1982 Invitations
Mimed Studio Performance
02/09/1982 Invitations
Mimed Studio Performance
15/04/1982 Nightbirds
Mimed Studio Performance
01/04/1982 Nightbirds
Mimed Studio Performance
04/02/1982 Easier Said Than Done
Mimed Studio Performance
21/01/1982 Easier Said Than Done
Audience Dancing
07/01/1982 Easier Said Than Done
Mimed Studio Performance


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