

1. A British indie/alternative dance group Space are an indie/alternative dance band from Liverpool, England, who rose to prominence in the mid 90s' with hit singles such as "Female of the Species", "Me and You Versus the World", "Neighbourhood", "Avenging Angels" and "The Ballad of Tom Jones", the latter a duet with Cerys Matthews of Catatonia, and are still active today. Space pursued an eclectic sound dubbed "queasy listening" by critics, embracing electronica and sampling in their work and drawing from genres as diverse as hip hop Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
03/07/1998 Begin Again
Mimed Studio Performance
09/01/1998 Avenging Angels
Mimed Studio Performance
21/02/1997 Dark Clouds
Mimed Studio Performance
01/11/1996 Neighbourhood
Mimed Studio Performance
06/09/1996 Me And You Versus The World
Live Studio Performance
06/06/1996 Female Of The Species
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1977 - Part 1 Magic Fly
Music Video
22/09/1977 Magic Fly
Played Over The Charts
08/09/1977 Magic Fly
Music Video
01/09/1977 Magic Fly
Audience Dancing
25/08/1977 Magic Fly
Music Video
18/08/1977 Magic Fly
Audience Dancing


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