

Baccara were a very popular Spanish dance-pop duo in the late seventies. The group consisted of Mayte Mateos (7 March 1951), and MarĂ­a Mendiola (4 May 1952, died 11 Sept 2021 in Madrid aged 69). Their music was a blend of pop and disco, with lyrics in English sung with the peculiar Spanish accent of the two singers. Baccara's most famous hits were "Sorry I'm a lady" and "Yes sir, I can boogie", both of which topped the charts during 1977 in some European countries, including the United Kingdom. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
09/02/1978 Sorry I'm A Lady
Mimed Studio Performance
26/01/1978 Sorry I'm A Lady
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1977 - Part 1 Yes Sir I Can Boogie
Mimed Studio Performance
27/10/1977 Yes Sir I Can Boogie
Mimed Studio Performance
20/10/1977 Yes Sir I Can Boogie
Played Over The Charts
06/10/1977 Yes Sir I Can Boogie
Mimed Studio Performance
22/09/1977 Yes Sir I Can Boogie
Mimed Studio Performance


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