Edison Lighthouse

Edison Lighthouse

Edison Lighthouse originated in England as an outgrowth of the successful U.K. group, The Flying Machine which had a U.S. top-five hit in November 1969 with "Smile a Little Smile for Me" featuring Les Fradkin on vocals, mellotron, organ, and guitar. The producer of that release assembled a new group for a new song called "Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)". Edison Lighthouse was the alias of songwriters and producers Tony McCaulay and Barry Mason Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
20th Anniversary Special Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance
26/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Audience Dancing
26/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Played Over The Charts
19/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Audience Dancing
19/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Played Over The Charts
12/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance
12/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Played Over The Charts
05/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance
05/02/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Played Over The Charts
29/01/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Played Over The Charts
29/01/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance
08/01/1970 Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
Mimed Studio Performance

Love Grows (where My Rosemary Goes)
by Edison Lighthouse


Mimed Studio Performance



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