Fair Weather was a British rock band formed by former Amen Corner guitarist and vocalist, Andy Fairweather-Low in 1970. The band evolved from a split within Amen Corner. While saxophone players Alan Jones and Mike Smith went on to form Judas Jump, Fairweather-Low led Dennis Byron (drums), Blue Weaver (organ), Clive Taylor (bass) and Neil Jones (guitar) into the new band, Fair Weather. The band scored a UK singles chart #6 hit with "Natural Sinner"/"Haven't I Tried (To Be A Good Man)" in 1970 and recorded one album Read more on Last.fm
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Repeat Performances
Live Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
27/08/1970 |
Natural Sinner Mimed Studio Performance |
06/08/1970 |
Natural Sinner Mimed Studio Performance |
30/07/1970 |
Natural Sinner Music Video |
23/07/1970 |
Natural Sinner Mimed Studio Performance |
09/07/1970 |
Natural Sinner Mimed Studio Performance |
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