Father Abraham & The Smurfs

Father Abraham & The Smurfs

Vader Abraham ('Father Abraham') is the alias of Dutch Petrus Antonius Laurentius 'Pierre' Kartner (born Elst, The Netherlands, 11 April 1935 - died 8 November 2022), who was a songwriter, singer and performer of popular Dutch carnaval and levenslied ('life song') repertoire - as well as music that can be regarded as the Dutch equivalent of the German Schlager tradition. Kartner also wrote many Dutch evergreens for others, including 'Huilen is voor jou te laat' for Corry en de Rekels (1970) and 'Manuela' for Jacques Herb (1972). Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
The Final Countdown The Smurf Song
Danced to by Legs & Co.
Christmas Day 1978 The Smurf Song
Music Video
02/11/1978 Dippety Day
Music Video
26/10/1978 Dippety Day
Audience Dancing
12/10/1978 Dippety Day
Music Video
27/07/1978 The Smurf Song
Music Video
13/07/1978 The Smurf Song
Danced to by Legs & Co.
06/07/1978 The Smurf Song
Played Over The Charts
29/06/1978 The Smurf Song
Music Video
15/06/1978 The Smurf Song
Danced to by Legs & Co.
08/06/1978 The Smurf Song
Audience Dancing


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