Generation X

Generation X

The core members of Generation X, a seminal British punk rock band with heavy new wave and power pop influences, were singer-songwriter Billy Idol (who has since maintained a remarkable 40+ year solo career) and bassist Tony James (later of Sigue Sigue Sputnik and for a spell Sisters of Mercy before settling in Carbon/Silicon). Generation X was formed in 1976 after guitarist Billy Idol (a.k.a William Broad) and bassist Tony James decided to go out on their own, leaving Gene October, the leader of their then band Chelsea. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
08/11/1996 Your Generation
Mimed Studio Performance
08/12/1994 Wild Youth
Mimed Studio Performance
30th Anniversary Special King Rocker
Mimed Studio Performance
26/04/1979 Valley Of The Dolls
Mimed Studio Performance
05/04/1979 Valley Of The Dolls
Mimed Studio Performance
15/02/1979 King Rocker
Mimed Studio Performance
01/02/1979 King Rocker
Mimed Studio Performance
04/01/1979 King Rocker
Mimed Studio Performance
09/03/1978 Ready Steady Go
Mimed Studio Performance
08/12/1977 Wild Youth
Mimed Studio Performance
15/09/1977 Your Generation
Mimed Studio Performance


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