Jimmy Nail

Jimmy Nail

Jimmy Nail is an English actor and pop/country singer (born March 16, 1954, Gleneagles Close, Benton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne). He is famous for his rugged looks, hit singles and a strong Geordie accent. Nail rose to fame playing Leonard Jeffrey 'Oz' Osborne in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet in 1983, despite having no acting experience whatsoever (he had appeared as an extra in the movie Get Carter). Nail has also starred in a number of films and had a long musical career, having been a singer before he was picked out at an audition to play Oz. Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
22/11/1996 Country Boy
Mimed Studio Performance
01/11/1996 Country Boy
Mimed Studio Performance
21/12/1995 Love
Mimed Studio Performance
12/10/1995 Big River
Mimed Studio Performance
04/05/1995 Calling Out Your Name
Mimed Studio Performance
09/02/1995 Cowboy Dreams
Mimed Studio Performance
08/12/1994 Crocodile Shoes
Mimed Studio Performance
24/11/1994 Crocodile Shoes
Mimed Studio Performance
10/11/1994 Crocodile Shoes
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1992 Ain't No Doubt
Live Studio Performance
30/07/1992 Ain't No Doubt
Live Studio Performance
23/07/1992 Ain't No Doubt
Live Studio Performance
16/07/1992 Ain't No Doubt
Live Studio Performance
09/07/1992 Ain't No Doubt
Top 40 Breaker Clip
02/07/1992 Ain't No Doubt
Live Studio Performance
16/05/1985 Love Don't Live Here Anymore
Mimed Studio Performance
09/05/1985 Love Don't Live Here Anymore
Top 40 Breaker Clip


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