Osibisa is a British Afro-pop band, founded in London in 1969 by four expatriate African and three Caribbean musicians. Osibisa were one of the first African bands to become widely popular, leading to claims of founding World Music. In Ghana in the 1950s, Teddy Osei (saxophone), Sol Amarfio (drums), Mamon Shareef and Farhan Freere (flute) played in a highlife band called The Star Gazers. They left to form The Comets, with Osei's brother Mac Tontoh on trumpet, and scored a hit in West Africa with their 1958 song "Pete Pete. Read more on Last.fm
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Live Performances
Live Mimed Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Repeat Performances
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
22/12/1977 |
Living Loving Feeling Mimed Studio Performance |
09/06/1977 |
The Warrior Mimed Studio Performance |
24/06/1976 |
Dance The Body Music Mimed Studio Performance |
10/06/1976 |
Dance The Body Music Mimed Studio Performance |
22/01/1976 |
Sunshine Day Mimed Studio Performance |
08/01/1976 |
Sunshine Day Mimed Studio Performance |
27/05/1971 |
Music For Gong Gong Mimed Studio Performance |
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