There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Pilot was a rock group formed in 1973 in Edinburgh, Scotland by former Bay City Rollers members David Paton (vocals and bass) and Billy Lyall (keyboards). The 1974 single Magic from their debut album was a #11 UK and #5 US hit and remains a pop classic. The simple but catchy pop ditty January gave them their biggest hit, securing the #1 spot in the UK singles chart in January 1975. The band's only other chart hits were Call Me Round and Just A Smile (both 1975). Read more on
Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.
Mimed Performances
Live Performances
Live Mimed Performances
Satellite Performances
Music Videos
Repeat Performances
Linked Performances
Episode | Performance | |||
24/06/1976 |
Canada Mimed Studio Performance |
Christmas 1975 - Part 2 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
11/09/1975 |
Just A Smile Mimed Studio Performance |
03/04/1975 |
Call Me Round Mimed Studio Performance |
13/02/1975 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
06/02/1975 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
30/01/1975 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
16/01/1975 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
02/01/1975 |
January Mimed Studio Performance |
28/11/1974 |
Magic Mimed Studio Performance |
07/11/1974 |
Magic Mimed Studio Performance |
04/10/1974 |
Magic Mimed Studio Performance |
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