Sheena Easton

Sheena Easton

Sheena Easton (born Sheena Shirley Orr, 27 April 1959) is a two-time Grammy Award winning Pop singer and actress originally from Bellshill, Scotland. Sheena became famous for being the subject of the UK TV programme "The Big Time", a late 70s reality TV series which recorded her attempts to gain a record contract. She suceeded spectacularly by having two singles in the U.K. top 10 at the same time in 1980. She eventually signed with EMI Records. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
02/02/1989 The Lover In Me
Mimed Studio Performance
26/01/1989 The Lover In Me
Top 40 Breaker Clip
12/08/1982 Machinery
Mimed Studio Performance
01/10/1981 Just Another Broken Heart
Mimed Studio Performance
17/09/1981 Just Another Broken Heart
Mimed Studio Performance
06/08/1981 For Your Eyes Only
Music Video
23/07/1981 For Your Eyes Only
Music Video
14/05/1981 When He Shines
Mimed Studio Performance
30/04/1981 When He Shines
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1980 - Part 1 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
30/10/1980 One Man Woman
Music Video
25/09/1980 Modern Girl
Music Video
18/09/1980 Modern Girl
Mimed Studio Performance
18/09/1980 Modern Girl
Mimed Studio Performance
11/09/1980 Modern Girl
Mimed Studio Performance
11/09/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
04/09/1980 Modern Girl
Mimed Studio Performance
04/09/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
28/08/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
21/08/1980 Modern Girl
Mimed Studio Performance
21/08/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
14/08/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
07/08/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance
07/08/1980 9 To 5
Mimed Studio Performance


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