Skunk Anansie

Skunk Anansie

British alternative quartet Skunk Anansie played what their lead singer, Skin, called clit-rock -- an amalgam of heavy metal and Black feminist rage. Skin began singing in high school for a classmate's band after considering the offer for over a year. Six years after that band broke up, the members of Skunk Anansie (including bass player Cass, guitarist Ace, and drummer Robbie France, who was replaced by Mark Richardson in 1995) met one another by chance. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
06/08/1999 Lately
Mimed Studio Performance
21/05/1999 Secretly
Mimed Studio Performance
12/03/1999 Charlie Big Potato
Mimed Studio Performance
13/06/1997 Brazen (weep)
Mimed Studio Performance
23/05/1997 Brazen (weep)
Mimed Studio Performance
31/01/1997 Hedonism
Live Studio Performance
29/11/1996 Twisted
Mimed Studio Performance
27/09/1996 All I Want
Live Studio Performance
13/09/1996 All I Want
Live Studio Performance
25/01/1996 Weak
Mimed Studio Performance


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