The Skids

The Skids

Skids is a punk band formed in Dunfermline, Scotland by Stuart Adamson (on guitars, vocals, keyboards, percussion), Richard Jobson ( vocals, guitar, keyboards), Thomas Kellichan (drums) and William Simpson (bass guitar, vocals) in 1977. They signed to Virgin and issued "Sweet Suburbia" and "The Saints Are Coming" before shooting to popularity with top ten single "Into The Valley", from their first album "Scared to Dance". The group has split and reformed on numerous occasions; the original run was 1977–1982 Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
11/09/1980 Circus Games
Mimed Studio Performance
28/08/1980 Circus Games
Mimed Studio Performance
10/01/1980 Working For The Yankee Dollar
Mimed Studio Performance
20/12/1979 Working For The Yankee Dollar
Mimed Studio Performance
29/11/1979 Working For The Yankee Dollar
Music Video
27/09/1979 Charade
Mimed Studio Performance
07/06/1979 Masquerade
Mimed Studio Performance
24/05/1979 Masquerade
Mimed Studio Performance
15/03/1979 Into The Valley
Mimed Studio Performance
01/03/1979 Into The Valley
Mimed Studio Performance
15/02/1979 Into The Valley
Mimed Studio Performance
02/11/1978 The Saints Are Coming
Mimed Studio Performance


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