

XTC were an alternative rock band from Swindon, England led by Andy Partridge (guitars, vocals) and Colin Moulding (bass, vocals). Active between the late 1970s and the mid 2000s, XTC's music ranged from jerky new wave/punk riffs to lushly-arranged progressive pop. They also drew heavily from vintage pop rock and psychedelia from the 1960s, genres which they began to explore more deeply after creating The Dukes of Stratosphear side-project. While XTC failed to maintain significant commercial success after the 1980s Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
18/02/1982 Senses Working Overtime
Mimed Studio Performance
04/02/1982 Senses Working Overtime
Mimed Studio Performance
21/01/1982 Senses Working Overtime
Mimed Studio Performance
05/02/1981 Sgt Rock (is Going To Help Me)
Mimed Studio Performance
22/01/1981 Sgt Rock (is Going To Help Me)
Mimed Studio Performance
18/09/1980 Generals And Majors
Music Video
18/10/1979 Making Plans For Nigel
Mimed Studio Performance
04/10/1979 Making Plans For Nigel
Mimed Studio Performance
17/05/1979 Life Begins At The Hop
Mimed Studio Performance


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*Please note, we are unable to action performance or episode video requests, and so any such requests will be ignored, as we do not have access to the BBC's TOTP video archive. Your feedback is stored and processed securely. We aim to reply to all feedback received. Once your feedback has been actioned it will be deleted from our server.