1973-1977: Whole Lotta Love & THE Logo

Another fondly remembered opening title sequence. Whole Lotta Love by CCS remained as the theme tune, but a new circular logo was born. One which one remain on our screens (in various forms) for 13 years. The circular logo was seen at the start of new style opening credits, which until c. 1975, began with filmed sequences and was followed by different captions featuring the numbers 30-1. During this presentation period the opening titles featured episode performance clips, arcade pictures, and a square neon TOTP logo which never appeared in the studio. This era of presentation lasted until 1977, when the start of Top of the Pops was opening title-less...



Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 1

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 1

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 2

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 2

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 3

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 3

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 4

Opening Title Sequence Screenshot 4

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