

Aerosmith is an American rock band formed in Boston in 1970. The group consists of Steven Tyler (lead vocals), Joe Perry (guitar), Tom Hamilton (bass), Joey Kramer (drums) and Brad Whitford (guitar). Their style, which is rooted in blues-based hard rock, has also incorporated elements of pop rock, heavy metal, glam metal, and rhythm and blues, and has inspired many subsequent rock artists. They are sometimes referred to as "the Bad Boys from Boston" and "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band". Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
20/11/1998 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Satellite Performance
06/11/1998 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Satellite Performance
25/09/1998 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Satellite Performance
18/09/1998 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Music Video
11/09/1998 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Music Video
07/03/1997 Falling In Love (is Hard On The Knees)
Mimed Studio Performance
04/11/1993 Cryin'
Live Studio Performance
08/04/1993 Living On The Edge
Top 40 Breaker Clip
22/02/1990 Dude (looks Like A Lady)
Music Video
21/09/1989 Love In An Elevator
Music Video
14/09/1989 Love In An Elevator
Music Video


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