Alvin Stardust

Alvin Stardust

Alvin Stardust (born Bernard William Jewry, 27 September 1942, Muswell Hill, London, England) was an English pop singer and stage actor. Moving to Mansfield, Nottinghamshire at a young age, he made his stage debut in pantomime at the age of four. In the early 1960s he became known as Shane Fenton, and with his backing group, The Fentones, had a handful of hits in the UK singles chart. His band based their sound on that of The Shadows. He also appeared in Billy Fury's movie, Play It Cool. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
17/01/1997 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance
29/11/1984 I Won't Run Away
Mimed Studio Performance
15/11/1984 I Won't Run Away
Mimed Studio Performance
24/05/1984 I Feel Like Buddy Holly
Mimed Studio Performance
20th Anniversary Special My Coo Ca Choo
Mimed Studio Performance
24/09/1981 Pretend
Mimed Studio Performance
10/09/1981 Pretend
Mimed Studio Performance
25/09/1975 Move It
Mimed Studio Performance
03/07/1975 Sweet Cheatin' Rita
Mimed Studio Performance
13/02/1975 Good Love Can Never Die
Mimed Studio Performance
30/01/1975 Good Love Can Never Die
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1974 - Part 2 Jealous Mind
Mimed Studio Performance
19/12/1974 Tell Me Why
Mimed Studio Performance
05/12/1974 Tell Me Why
Mimed Studio Performance
21/11/1974 Tell Me Why
Mimed Studio Performance
27/09/1974 You You You
Mimed Studio Performance
13/09/1974 You You You
Mimed Studio Performance
05/09/1974 You You You
Mimed Studio Performance
16/05/1974 Red Dress
Mimed Studio Performance
02/05/1974 Red Dress
Mimed Studio Performance
07/03/1974 Jealous Mind
Mimed Studio Performance
21/02/1974 Jealous Mind
Mimed Studio Performance
14/02/1974 Jealous Mind
Mimed Studio Performance
17/01/1974 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance
10/01/1974 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance
13/12/1973 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance
22/11/1973 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance
15/11/1973 My Coo-ca-choo
Mimed Studio Performance


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