Barry Blue

Barry Blue

Barry Blue (born Barry Ian Green, 12 December 1950, in London), is a rock singer / producer / songwriter from the United Kingdom. He is best known for his hit songs, "Dancin' (on a Saturday Night)" and "Do You Wanna Dance", both from the 1970s. He signed to Bell Records in the early 1970s, but by the end of the decade his popularity had declined. His final Top 40 hit in the UK Singles Chart occurred in October 1974, when "Hot Shot" climbed to Number 23. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
31/10/1974 Hot Shot
Mimed Studio Performance
11/10/1974 Hot Shot
Mimed Studio Performance
21/03/1974 School Love
Mimed Studio Performance
07/03/1974 School Love
Mimed Studio Performance
22/11/1973 Do You Wanna Dance?
Mimed Studio Performance
15/11/1973 Do You Wanna Dance?
Danced to by Pan's People
08/11/1973 Do You Wanna Dance?
Mimed Studio Performance
31/08/1973 Dancin' (on A Saturday Night)
Played Over The Charts
24/08/1973 Dancin' (on A Saturday Night)
Mimed Studio Performance
10/08/1973 Dancin' (on A Saturday Night)
Mimed Studio Performance
03/08/1973 Dancin' (on A Saturday Night)
Mimed Studio Performance

Do You Wanna Dance?
by Barry Blue


Danced to by Pan's People



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