Brotherhood Of Man

Brotherhood Of Man

Brotherhood of Man are a British pop group who achieved success in the 1970s. They won the 1976 Eurovision Song Contest with "Save Your Kisses for Me". Created in 1969 by songwriter and record producer Tony Hiller, Brotherhood of Man was initially an umbrella title for a frequently-changing line-up of session singers. Early on, they scored a worldwide hit with the song "United We Stand". By 1973 the concept had run its course and Hiller formed a definite four-member line-up consisting of Martin Lee Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
30th Anniversary Special Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
20th Anniversary Special United We Stand
Mimed Studio Performance
04/01/1979 Goodbye Goodbye
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 1978 Figaro
Mimed Studio Performance
21/09/1978 Middle Of The Night
Mimed Studio Performance
22/06/1978 Beautiful Lover
Mimed Studio Performance
08/06/1978 Beautiful Lover
Mimed Studio Performance
18/05/1978 Beautiful Lover
Mimed Studio Performance
09/02/1978 Figaro
Mimed Studio Performance
02/02/1978 Figaro
Mimed Studio Performance
19/01/1978 Figaro
Mimed Studio Performance
05/01/1978 Figaro
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1977 - Part 2 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
13/10/1977 Highwayman
Mimed Studio Performance
18/08/1977 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
04/08/1977 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
21/07/1977 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
07/07/1977 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
23/06/1977 Angelo
Mimed Studio Performance
24/03/1977 Oh Boy (the Mood I'm In)
Mimed Studio Performance
10/03/1977 Oh Boy (the Mood I'm In)
Mimed Studio Performance
10/02/1977 Oh Boy (the Mood I'm In)
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1976 - Part 2 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
17/06/1976 My Sweet Rosalie
Mimed Studio Performance
29/04/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
22/04/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
15/04/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Music Video
08/04/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
01/04/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
25/03/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
18/03/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
04/03/1976 Save Your Kisses For Me
Mimed Studio Performance
23/07/1970 Where Are You Going To My Love
Mimed Studio Performance
19/02/1970 United We Stand
Mimed Studio Performance
29/01/1970 United We Stand
Mimed Studio Performance


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