

Ultravox (formerly Ultravox!) have been one of the primary exponents of the British new wave synthpop music movement since the late 70s. The band is particularly associated with the New Romantic scene, although it both pre- and post-dated the peak of that movement by several years. Known for popular hits such as "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" and "Vienna" among many others, the band has drawn inspiration variously from dark, moody post-punk, the artier side of glam rock, and latterly straightforward synthpop. Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
04/02/1993 Vienna
Top 40 Breaker Clip
Review of the 80s Vienna
Music Video
25 Years of Top of the Pops Vienna
Mimed Studio Performance
Review of 1984 Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Mimed Studio Performance
01/11/1984 Love's Great Adventure
Music Video
18/10/1984 Love's Great Adventure
Mimed Studio Performance
05/07/1984 Lament
Mimed Studio Performance
31/05/1984 Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Mimed Studio Performance
17/05/1984 Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Music Video
09/02/1984 One Small Day
Mimed Studio Performance
08/06/1983 We Came To Dance
Mimed Studio Performance
17/03/1983 Visions In Blue
Music Video
06/01/1983 Hymn
Mimed Studio Performance
16/12/1982 Hymn
Mimed Studio Performance
25/11/1982 Hymn
Music Video
14/10/1982 Reap The Wild Wind
Music Video
30/09/1982 Reap The Wild Wind
Music Video
Christmas Day 1981 Vienna
Mimed Studio Performance
26/11/1981 The Voice
Music Video
12/11/1981 The Voice
Mimed Studio Performance
10/09/1981 The Thin Wall
Audience Dancing
27/08/1981 The Thin Wall
Mimed Studio Performance
11/06/1981 All Stood Still
Mimed Studio Performance
26/02/1981 Vienna
Music Video
12/02/1981 Vienna
Music Video
29/01/1981 Vienna
Mimed Studio Performance
15/01/1981 Vienna
Mimed Studio Performance
14/08/1980 Sleepwalk
Mimed Studio Performance


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