Gary Numan

Gary Numan

Gary Numan (born Gary Anthony James Webb on 8 March 1958) is an influential English singer, composer, and musician. Most widely known for his chart-topping 1979 hits "Are 'Friends' Electric?" (when in Tubeway Army) and "Cars", Numan achieved his peak of mainstream popularity in the late 70s and early 80s but maintains a loyal cult following. Numan, whose signature sound consists of heavy synthesizer hooks fed through guitar effects pedals, is considered a pioneer of commercial electronic music. Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Repeat Performances


Live Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
14/03/1996 Cars (premier Mix)
Live Studio Performance
29/09/1994 Cars (e Reg Model)
Mimed Studio Performance
01/10/1987 Cars (e Reg Model)
Mimed Studio Performance
24/09/1987 Cars (e Reg Model)
Top 40 Breaker Clip
03/07/1986 I Can't Stop
Music Video
30/05/1985 Are 'friends' Electric?
Top 40 Breaker Clip
08/11/1984 Berserker
Mimed Studio Performance
20th Anniversary Special Cars
Mimed Studio Performance
20/10/1983 Sister Surprise
Mimed Studio Performance
01/09/1983 Warriors
Mimed Studio Performance
26/08/1982 White Boys And Heroes
Music Video
17/06/1982 We Take Mystery (to Bed)
Music Video
18/03/1982 Music For Chameleons
Mimed Studio Performance
04/03/1982 Music For Chameleons
Mimed Studio Performance
03/09/1981 She's Got Claws
Music Video
15/01/1981 This Wreckage
Mimed Studio Performance
18/12/1980 This Wreckage
Mimed Studio Performance
04/09/1980 I Die You Die
Music Video
28/08/1980 I Die You Die
Music Video
28/08/1980 I Die You Die
Music Video
22/05/1980 We Are Glass
Music Video
Christmas 1979 - Part 1 Cars
Mimed Studio Performance
22/11/1979 Complex
Music Video
20/09/1979 Cars
Music Video
13/09/1979 Cars
Mimed Studio Performance
30/08/1979 Cars
Mimed Studio Performance


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