

Oasis is an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Originally known as the Rain, the group initially consisted of Liam Gallagher (lead vocals, tambourine), Paul Arthurs (guitar), Paul McGuigan (bass guitar) and Tony McCarroll (drums). Liam's older brother Noel (lead guitar, vocals) later joined as a fifth member, finalising the group's core lineup. During the course of their existence, they had various lineup changes, with the Gallagher brothers remaining the only staple members. Read more on Last.fm


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
Comic Relief Does Top of the Pops Falling Down
Live Studio Performance
New Year's Eve 2008 The Shock Of The Lightning
Electric Proms Performance
Christmas Day 2008 The Shock Of The Lightning
Music Video
The Final Countdown Don't Look Back In Anger
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 2005 Lyla
Music Video
20/11/2005 Let There Be Love
Mimed Studio Performance
28/08/2005 The Importance Of Being Idle
Mimed Studio Performance
15/08/2005 Roll With It
Mimed Studio Performance
31/07/2005 The Importance Of Being Idle
Mimed Studio Performance
27/05/2005 Lyla
Mimed Studio Performance
13/05/2005 Lyla
Mimed Studio Performance
22/04/2005 Lyla
Music Video
21/02/2003 Songbird
Mimed Studio Performance
14/02/2003 Songbird
Mimed Studio Performance
04/10/2002 My Generation
Mimed Studio Performance
28/06/2002 Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Mimed Studio Performance
07/06/2002 Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Mimed Studio Performance
03/05/2002 The Hindu Times
Mimed Studio Performance
26/04/2002 The Hindu Times
Mimed Studio Performance
12/04/2002 The Hindu Times
Mimed Studio Performance
15/03/2002 The Hindu Times
Music Video
14/07/2000 Sunday Morning Call
Mimed Studio Performance
30/06/2000 Sunday Morning Call
Mimed Studio Performance
29/05/2000 Sunday Morning Call
Mimed Studio Performance
28/04/2000 Who Feels Love?
Mimed Studio Performance
21/04/2000 Who Feels Love?
Mimed Studio Performance
18/02/2000 Go Let It Out
Mimed Studio Performance
11/02/2000 Go Let It Out
Mimed Studio Performance
23/01/1998 All Around The World
Music Video
16/01/1998 All Around The World
Music Video
03/10/1997 Stand By Me
Mimed Studio Performance
26/09/1997 Stand By Me
Music Video
25/07/1997 D'you Know What I Mean?
Mimed Studio Performance
18/07/1997 D'you Know What I Mean?
Mimed Studio Performance
11/07/1997 D'you Know What I Mean?
Music Video
Christmas Day 1996 Don't Look Back In Anger
Mimed Studio Performance
13/09/1996 Shakermaker
Mimed Studio Performance
21/03/1996 Don't Look Back In Anger
Mimed Studio Performance
21/03/1996 Rock 'n' Roll Star
Mimed Studio Performance
29/02/1996 Don't Look Back In Anger
Mimed Studio Performance
22/02/1996 Cum On Feel The Noize
Mimed Studio Performance
22/02/1996 Don't Look Back In Anger
Mimed Studio Performance
11/01/1996 Wonderwall
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1995 Some Might Say
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1995 Wonderwall
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1995 Roll With It
Mimed Studio Performance
21/12/1995 Wonderwall
Mimed Studio Performance
09/11/1995 Wonderwall
Mimed Studio Performance
24/08/1995 Roll With It
Mimed Studio Performance
17/08/1995 Roll With It
Mimed Studio Performance
04/05/1995 Some Might Say
Mimed Studio Performance
27/04/1995 Some Might Say
Mimed Studio Performance
15/12/1994 Whatever
Mimed Studio Performance
20/10/1994 Cigarettes And Alcohol
Music Video
08/09/1994 Rock 'n' Roll Star
Mimed Studio Performance
18/08/1994 Live Forever
Live Studio Performance
30/06/1994 Shakermaker
Mimed Studio Performance


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