Suzi Quatro

Suzi Quatro

Suzi Quatro (born Susan Kay Quatro, June 3, 1950, Detroit, Michigan) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, radio personality, and actress. Suzi grew up in the States, experiencing the rock and roll revolution as it happened. She became an icon of the 70s glam rock era with her 'bad girl' image that went on to influence other female acts that arose in her wake, including The Runaways and L7. Known as "The Wild One" for her song of the same name Read more on


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Artist Statistics

Below are the number of appearances made, sorted by the most popular types of performance. Repeat performances are not counted, unless stated otherwise.

Mimed Performances


Live Performances


Live Mimed Performances


Satellite Performances


Music Videos


Repeat Performances


Linked Performances


Artist Appearances

Episode Performance
24/01/1980 Mama's Boy
Mimed Studio Performance
15/11/1979 She's In Love With You
Mimed Studio Performance
01/11/1979 She's In Love With You
Mimed Studio Performance
18/10/1979 She's In Love With You
Mimed Studio Performance
13/07/1978 The Race Is On
Mimed Studio Performance
13/04/1978 If You Can't Give Me Love
Mimed Studio Performance
30/03/1978 If You Can't Give Me Love
Mimed Studio Performance
16/03/1978 If You Can't Give Me Love
Mimed Studio Performance
19/05/1977 Roxy Roller
Mimed Studio Performance
17/03/1977 Tear Me Apart
Mimed Studio Performance
17/02/1977 Tear Me Apart
Mimed Studio Performance
14/08/1975 I May Be Too Young
Mimed Studio Performance
30/01/1975 Your Mama Won't Like Me
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas 1974 - Part 2 Devil Gate Drive
Mimed Studio Performance
28/11/1974 The Wild One
Mimed Studio Performance
14/11/1974 The Wild One
Mimed Studio Performance
31/10/1974 The Wild One
Mimed Studio Performance
28/02/1974 Devil Gate Drive
Mimed Studio Performance
21/02/1974 Devil Gate Drive
Mimed Studio Performance
14/02/1974 Devil Gate Drive
Audience Dancing
07/02/1974 Devil Gate Drive
Mimed Studio Performance
24/01/1974 Devil Gate Drive
Mimed Studio Performance
Christmas Day 1973 Can The Can
Mimed Studio Performance
08/11/1973 Daytona Demon
Mimed Studio Performance
01/11/1973 Daytona Demon
Mimed Studio Performance
10/08/1973 48 Crash
Mimed Studio Performance
03/08/1973 48 Crash
Played Over The Charts
27/07/1973 48 Crash
Mimed Studio Performance
20/07/1973 48 Crash
Mimed Studio Performance
15/06/1973 Can The Can
Mimed Studio Performance
01/06/1973 Can The Can
Mimed Studio Performance
25/05/1973 Can The Can
Played Over The Charts
11/05/1973 Can The Can
Mimed Studio Performance


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